This week the chatter about penguins was a little less, not as much penguin talk going on. Also, I was more busy than usual, so I wasn’t able to hunt down all the cool stuff. If you ever find a cool penguin something or other that you want to share, send a message on twitter @ilovepenguins so I can make sure to include it on this weekly list!
What do you call a penguin in the Sahara? A: LOST ( RT @LesleyDewar )
CUTE! penguin cupcake and cookie art (via RT @Cherylpurplecow @pghcakegirl )
Cool Penguin Art: Penguin’s Love Steps (via RT @aaviv)
Photo: penguin (via @funekaz)
Awesome photo! Picture of penguins on an iceberg. Makes me want to install Linux. (via RT @Akula )
Uh-oh: penguins are evolving faster than we suspected. (via @onezeromusic )
Follow me on twitter @ilovepenguins