Recently I saw drawings of penguins by a class of 1st graders, they were SO very cute! So I thought I’d share some ideas with you about how to draw your own penguin. There are a lot of different ways to draw penguins, you can choose to draw something very simple or artistic or you might want to try to draw a very realistic-looking penguin which is going to be a much more advanced drawing.
Here I’ll show you how to draw 3 different penguins. Each how to draw a penguin tutorial is fairly basic. I created them to be simple so you can get started and with some practice make your own fun cartoon penguin drawings. Have fun!
How to draw a penguin – Easy
How to draw a penguin – moderate
How to draw a penguin – advanced
Drawing penguins isn’t too hard once you know the basic steps. Practice drawing the different penguins below and soon you’ll be drawing your own style of penguins! You can add ad much or as little detail as you like. Change the way the penguin’s eyes look or maybe add extra details to make your penguin drawing look like a specific type of penguin.
How to draw a penguin – Easy
First lets start with a basic penguin drawing, nothing to fancy but still very cute:
Always start with the body and then draw the belly. Add arms/flippers, feet and last add the eyes and beak. Now you can color your penguin however you like.

How to draw a penguin – moderate
A little more difficult is drawing a penguin from the side. Again start with the body, see the little tail on the backside? Then draw the belly and then add one flipper, one foot. Last you need to draw one eye and a side view of the beak.

How to draw a penguin – advanced
Finally a little more advance penguin drawing – this is a cartoon Little Blue Penguin (also known as a Fairy penguin). First draw the penguin head and then the body, erase the area where they overlap. Repeat this process to draw the penguin’s white belly and head area. Then add the flippers and feet and finally add the eyes and beak.

You can add in your own special touch to your penguin drawing by including details for feathers or draw some clothing on your penguin. A hat would be super cute!
You can even try changing the eyes, turning a flipper to wave or maybe color your penguin drawing a little different and see what other fun penguins you can come up with.
More tutorials and information about How to draw penguins