Today is World Penguin Day! Celebrate our favorite little birdie pals and take a moment to pass the love on to others. What is World Penguin Day? “World Penguin Day coincides with the annual northward migration of penguins. This happens each year on or around April 25th. Penguins do not fly. Rather, they walk, or […]
Penguins and the Scientists
An informative and interesting article about science, research and penguins helping to teach us all… from the New Zealand Herald [tags]penguins, science, new zealand[/tags]
The Flu’s Got Happy Feet
That’s right, HAPPY FEET (or characers from the Warner Bros. movie) have joined up with Roche Laboratories Inc. to spread the word about the Flu. is sporting a fun awareness campaign with an extra tap dancing beat. Get information, facts (obviously), support and tips. It’s a great site… and how can it not be […]
Penguins on DVD
Happy Feet is coming to DVD March 26th and now you can enter to win a limited edition gift bag.. woo hoo! bag of goodies includes: a fleece, a snow globe, a story book and a tattoo set just answer this simple question: Which film won the Oscar for Best Animated Picture at this year’s Academy […]
Catch the Penguin Wave
Summer 2007 we all get to grab our bikinis and head to the beach for a fun new flick. Surfs Up, a new Sony Pictures animated film is coming to theaters June 8th. The story line is a “true story” (in animated penguin form) of a behind the scenes look at competitive surfing. We’ll follow […]