I just happened upon the cutest pile of penguins I’ve seen for a while. http://www.emperor-penguin.com has a whole slew of adorble penguin photos. You’ve got to check these out! This particular photo is [here]. Tell me that ain’t the cutest darn thing ya ever seen! The site also offers some helpful information about penguin species, […]
Mumble Finds a New Home
A 6ft stuffed toy penguin was donated to a South Tyneside school (UK), Fellgate Autistic Unit… Check out this heart warming bit. [tags]penguin,toy,donation,autism,charity[/tags]
Tiki the Penguin.. the first ever
I just met Tiki the Penguin and wow what a cutie and Super Cool… that’s a fun site, for kids and adults. He’s claiming to be the first penguin to ever build a website. Now, I don’t know whether this is true or not, but just reading the top of the page made me warm […]
Penguins and Special Olympics
What a great event! “ Nashua area groups raise $50,000 for N.H. Special Olympics’ Penguin Plunge” Read more [tags]penguins, charity,special olympics, nashua[/tags]
Get Crafty with Penguins
A completely fun project for all penguin lovers. Â The Dow Chemical Company has a neat craft section where I found this perfect little penguin project. You’ll find full instructions and a downloadable pattern. Best part.. get creative, remove the Christmas holiday pieces and add your own for a penguin any time of year! Happy crafting. […]